Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Who I am

Let's start with the basics. I am a young woman in her 60s. I've studied music as a kid and in college, and in various forms as an adust (voice lessons, harp lessons, a short fling with guitar, etc.). I spent approximately a decade operating and programming computers back in the era when personal computers were just becoming a dream - somewhere out there on the horizon. And I've spend over three decades providing the service of Pastoral Counseling.

So is jewelry making a natural follow-on or not?

I haven't really decided. It is definitely an artistic endeavor, and one I love. I've been playing in wire and with stones since 2003. I got such positive responses to what I made, and love the making so much, I now create jewelry art to sell.

This blog is a place to learn about me and what I'm up to, and to comment on what you read and see. Please join me in a dialogue about what I do, share what you do, just have fun.

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